The UKCR Mobilising Adaptation: Governance of Infrastructure through Co-Production (MAGIC) project is hosting two upcoming webinars about water resilience.
The two events, known as MAGIC Occassional Meetings (MOMS), are open to all and will focus on research that is helping communities to live in harmony with water.
Evaluating a community rainwater intervention – journey or destination?
Mon 14 June 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 BST
In this one hour MAGIC Occasional Meeting Jo Birch presents an update on why and how we are aiming to produce a genuinely useful evaluation framework for (i) evaluating MAGIC community rainwater installations in Hull and East Riding and (ii) for evaluating climate resilience initiatives more broadly.
Building on a recent Twenty65 conference presentation, this session shares early findings from analysis of interviews with 15 water, health and environment stakeholders, revealing opportunities and challenges associated with our co-produced evaluation process. We also share early iterations of our MAGIC evaluation framework(s) – please come prepared with curiosity and questions.
Register for the community rainwater intervention event
Putting landscape, people and water at the centre of regeneration: the example Green Estate, Sheffield
Weds 23 June 2021, 15:00 – 16:30 BST
Sue France has spent 20 years helping to develop and run the social enterprise ‘Green Estate’. The focus of the work has been to ensure that areas regenerate in ways which put landscape, water and people at its heart.
In this MAGIC Occasional Meeting, Liz Sharp, MAGIC PI, will interview Sue about the beginning of Green Estate in supporting regeneration in the Castle and Manor parts of Sheffield, about the attempts to get Green Estate on a commercial footing, and about the social enterprise’s new vision focused on ‘designed urban nature’ in Sheffield and beyond.
The event will be relevance to MAGIC partners and friends because what Green Estate are doing coincides closely with ambitions to help Hull Live with Water, and with the broader agenda to put the communities at the heart of our processes of adapting to a changing climate. This event will take place on Google Meets and the logins will be sent to you at registration.