The UK Climate Resilience Programme ran from 2019 to 2023



The UK-SSPs project has produced a series of UK-specific socio-economic narratives and gridded data for a range of indicators to 2100, consistent with the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs) that will underpin the next IPCC assessment report.

View the products of the UK-SSP project.

Addressing the Resilience Needs of the UK Health Sector: Climate Service Pilot

DISCLAIMER: The below data is from initial results of this project. They have been published in an interim form to allow as broad of a community as possible to engage and to interact with the data. They should not be taken as final.

The UK health sector: climate service pilot project has produced several datasets. These datasets below are available, with more information available with the dataset downloads.

  • Temperature-attributable mortality/hospital admission time series for the observed record (1981/1991-2018)
  • List of the 10 highest mortality days from 1991 to 2018 based on UK-total temperature-related mortality
  • Regional and national temperature-mortality/emergency hospital admission relationships
  • Average daily temperature by London boroughs simulated with an urban model, October 2015 to 2019
  • Attributable hospital admission by London boroughs based on the above temperature time series
  • Weather regime and pattern classification for the observed record (1850/1979-2019)
  • Attributable mortality time series for UKCP18 climate projections (1900-2099)

If you encounter any problems or have any queries or wish to provide feedback about this dataset, your first point of contact should be Professor Andrew Charlton-Perez at The ratified data will be available from Public Health England’s (PHE) Environmental Public Health Surveillance System (EPHSS) when complete.

The interim data is currently accessible on the CEDA archive, with information on how to use JASMIN to access the CEDA archive is available here. Once your account is established, apply for permission to access the UKCR group workspace with all the interim data is available here, stating your interest in the data for verification.


DISCLAIMER: The ExSamples science paper (Leach et al) is in revision and the data paper (Sparrow et al) is soon to be submitted. Until either of these have been published, any analysis using the data should be seen as exploratory.

Points of contact: David Sexton, Met Office (; Sarah Sparrow, Oxford e-Research Centre, Engineering Science, University of Oxford (

Samples of extreme winters to support climate adaptation

This data set is designed to better understand the statistics of three extreme winters as sampled by the UKCP18 Global projections ( Each data set contains physically, spatially and temporally coherent information for several variables for these extreme winters. It has been generated by ( using volunteers’ computers. For each of the three winters, there is a 1200-1300 member initial condition ensemble based on the atmosphere-only HadAM4 model at 60km resolution, driven by the boundary conditions from UKCP18 Global. There is also a baseline data set for 2007-2016. Some of the members represent very high return periods, though due to the conditioning arising from the prescribed lower boundary conditions these ensembles cannot be used in isolation to quantify risk. Regardless, these very high return period members would be suitable for use in H++ scenarios.

The interim data is currently accessible on the CEDA archive, with information on how to use JASMIN to access the CEDA archive is available here. Once your account is established, apply for permission to access the UKCR group workspace with all the interim data is available here, stating your interest in the data for verification.

Enhancing the resilience of the water sector to drought events: climate service pilots (eFLaG)

This project aims to co-develop, with the water industry and regulatory partners, a pilot climate service to ensure a coherent, national approach to providing resilience to drought events to the UK’s water resources under a changing climate.

This project is one of the climate service prototypes being developed under the Climate Service Pilots work package led by the UK Met Office.

The eFLaG project dataset is now available to download.