The UK Climate Resilience Programme ran from 2019 to 2023

Products of the UK-SSPs project


The UK-SSP project has developed shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs) for the UK, to help answer key questions about the country’s resilience to climate change.

On this page you will find:

  • UK-SSP narratives & systems diagrams
  • Semi-quantitative trends
  • Quantified projections
  • Interface for exploring and accessing UK-SSP products
  • Relevant publications

View an infographic overview of the project

UK-SSP narratives & systems diagrams

Fact Sheets

Scenario Fact Sheets containing a detailed narrative and system diagram for each of the five UK-SSPs can be viewed by clicking on them below:

UK-SSP1 on SustainabilitySSP2 fact sheet on Middle of the RoadSSP3 fact sheet on Regional RivalrySSP4 fact sheet on InequalitySSP5 fact sheet on Fossil-Fueled Development

Systems diagram videos

Video animations for each of the five scenarios of the UK-SSP project can be watched on YouTube below:

Semi-quantitative trends

This document provides semi-quantitative trends for 50 socio-economic variables within each UK-SSP. Trends are categorised into seven categories (very strong increase, strong increase, slight increase, no change, slight decrease, strong decrease, very strong decrease) across three time periods up to 2100.

Download the data:

Quantified spatial projections

User Manual

Download the user manual for quantifies spatial projections:

Database of Socioeconomic Projections

This database includes detailed quantified projections for 25 key socioeconomic variables within each UK-SSP. Projections are available at various spatial resolutions, ranging from 1km level to UK total, depending on the variable in question.

Download the database through the link here: Met Office – Socioeconomic projections – OneDrive (

Opensource Tool for Regridding Data

This tool provides access to essential python libraries for geospatial analysis (e.g. Geopandas, shapely, and pyproj). It provides a workflow to take the quantified projections data and interpolate/aggregate the data to specified output grids.

Download the tool:

Interface for exploring and accessing UK-SSP products

The various products detailed above can also be accessed through an interface for each UK-SSP.  The interfaces allow for easy exploration of each scenario, including scenario narratives, descriptions of key socioeconomic drivers, links between drivers, downloadable data and maps. Click below to access UK-SSP1, from which you can also access each of the other UK-SSPs. (Clicking on ‘Full screen insight’ expands the view.)


The paper below describes the UK-SCAPE versions of the UK-SSPs that the UKCR project has further extended spatially, temporally and sectorally.


The project is commissioned by the Met Office and is funded by the UK Climate Resilience Programme. It is carried out by Cambridge Econometrics in collaboration with the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH), University of Edinburgh and University of Exeter. The development of the UK-SSPs built upon work carried out by UKCEH’s UK-SCAPE Programme delivering National Capability.

Logo for the UK-SSPs project, with lots of circles linked together by lines, ranging from green colours through to blueUK-SCAPE logo, with tagline UK status, change and projections of the environment