Welcome and Introduction
During the 4 years of the UK Climate Resilience Programme we have been able to explore what we understand by increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change in the UK. Here we present a number of outputs from the programme such as videos, webinars, reports and academic papers that consider what we have learned about climate resilience in the UK. We look at:
- What is resilience
- Approaches to resilience
- Mainstreaming resilience
We hope you enjoy following this course, and find the information useful.
What is climate resilience?
The following videos are taken from a range of climate resilience experts who have been part of the programme. In the videos they discuss what they understand climate resilience is, and why it is important to understand it in a range of contexts and through a number of lenses. The videos draw on the wide experience of the programme including the Champions, researchers and from the business sector.
Approaches to resilience.
We can consider what national policy looks like when building resilience to climate change impacts in the UK. This webinar by colleagues from Defra presents the UK Government’s approach to domestic adaptation and resilience.
The next webinar recording looks beyond the UK policy landscape regarding creating climate resilience, and considers the challenge from a broader perspective but still within the UK.
As seen in the previous webinar, it is important to look at climate resilience from a place-based perspective and not to consider resilience solutions as a ‘one-size-fits-all’. The following report is a short policy brief on the ways to improve the resilience of coastal communities in the UK.
Mainstreaming resilience
Understanding what resilience is and how it could be implemented at national and international policy level is important. But it is also important to understand how, given the range of climate services in the UK, it could be incorporated into regulatory standards and codes of practice. To help address this JBA Consulting were funded to carry out a review of climate resilience mainstreaming into regulatory and voluntary standards, national guidance, and other sectoral/industry codes of practice. The concluding report can be downloaded as a PDF.
The report is introduced by one of the authors, Murray Dale, in this webinar. His presentation is followed by a short presentation given by Briony Turner from Space4Climate who considers what this approach means for the climate services provided by the UK space sector.