The UK Climate Resilience Programme ran from 2019 to 2023

Met Office Climate Data Challenge

Date: 16 and 17 March 2021

The Met Office and partners are hosting a virtual hackathon aimed at finding new ways to use data to help towards tackling climate change challenges and developing sustainable opportunities. We would like you to join us and other key stakeholders for the two-day event on 16-17 March.

If you would like to grow your network by working alongside other experts to tackle some of the most challenging issues of the day, the Climate Data Challenge is the perfect opportunity. The event will bring people with diverse skill sets and backgrounds together to make progress on a shared project with the ultimate aim of making society more resilient. This is likely to include combining information from a range of datasets to create new tools as well as thinking about how best to visualise the outputs to make them as engaging as possible.

While hackathons typically attract software engineers, data scientists and scientists, we believe that everyone has a part to play. So, if you have a passion for one of the themes below and feel that you have relevant skills or knowledge, then please sign up.

Challenge themes:

  1. Marine and coastal
  2. Nature-based solutions
  3. Sustainable development

Working in teams, the most relevant outputs will have the opportunity to be showcased at COP26 in Glasgow in November 2021, which will attract Heads of State, policy makers, scientists and other stakeholders from almost every nation in the world.

The hackathon will be delivered virtually and make use of a range of tools to share information and encourage collaboration between teams.

On the afternoon of Tuesday 2 March the Met Office will be hosting a virtual pre-event where you can find out more about the challenges, form teams and learn about the data that may be relevant.

Register for the Climate Data Challenge on Eventbrite: