This project contributes to the Met Office led Work Package on Climate Service Pilots. Its aim is to co-develop with potential users a coastal resilience service by further developing the existing UKCP18 Sea Level Rise tool and methodology and combining with other relevant data such as tide gauge data or with surge and wave modelling outputs.
The project commenced November 2019 with the initial focus being on co-defining the nature and scope of the output with potential users of a coastal resilience service. This has involved working with the Environment Agency to identify potential users and with National Oceanographic Centre (NOC) on the capabilities required for coastal modelling. It is clear that a key component of any future UK coastal resilience demonstrator will involve future changes to sea level.
A relocatable sea level rise (SLR) projections tool has been developed based on the approach within UKCP18. Work is now underway to combine it with other tools to address resilience issues, the specifics of which will be developed through discussions with users. This will include the Met Office Coastal Decider tool as well as tide gauge data or surge modelling outputs and tools (from UKCP18 and elsewhere), bringing in information about extremes from observations and modelling with the SLR component. At a later stage this project will consider the need for research in the marine environment of the shelf seas around the UK and links are being made with the new SPF programme on marine sustainability.
See the one page summary of this project
Watch Climate Resilience Webinar, 29 September 2021: Coastal Defender with Rachel Perks (Met Office).
- Perks, R.J., Bernie, D., Lowe, J., Neal R. 2023. The influence of future weather pattern changes and projected sea-level rise on coastal flood impacts around the UK. Climatic Change 176, 25
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