UK Climate Resilience Programme Webinar Series 2021-2022
Date: Wednesday 6 July 2022, 12.00pm (GMT)
Speaker: Murray Dale (JBA Consulting); respondent Katy Peat (Defra)
Chair: Simon Brown
This webinar follows a project workshop in May and conclusions of the wider project that has consulted with climate information providers and users. It will inform attendees about the outcomes of the project, including:
- A set of recommendations to inform future datasets for characterising current and future weather and climate risks
- The importance of climate information provider and user collaboration
Katy Peat was involved in the project as a stakeholder and will provide a view from Defra, UK Government.
Murray Dale is a Chartered Meteorologist with 30 years’ experience in hydrometeorology, climate resilience and water management. He is the Principal Investigator of UK Climate Resilience Programme projects Climate information to inform UK Decision Making, and Climate Services Standards and Value. He was a Co-Investigator on the FUTURE-DRAINAGE project and is the Climate Resilience Lead within JBA.
Katy Peat has over 15 years of flood risk and climate change management experience at both the Environment Agency and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), holding roles in planning, strategy and research. Katy currently co-leads the Adaptation Science Team in Defra, setting the needs for climate information for adaptation at an operational and policy level, including for the forthcoming third National Adaptation Programme . She has previously worked on climate allowances for flood risk management and was part of the UKCP18 delivery team.